Built by Professionals

Experience is the best teacher, and we’ve got loads of it. We’re an award-winning creative team with over 5 years of real-world experience. You won’t find needless functions “just because they’re cool”. We’ve built this Platform using our real-world experiences as the driving force behind every decision we’ve made.

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SCHAP Overview

SCHAP® ultimately provides and caters for the needs of school administrators, teachers, students and parents. It provides and solves this Key challenges: Student Record management and online application processing,Day to day monitoring of academic activities and reporting, Payment of school fee using Debit/ATM/Credit Cards by parents, Continuous assessment computation and report generation etc.

SCHAP Feature

Schap Standard Feature Highlights.

Seemless Integration

Seemless Integration to existing 3rd Party Systems It is about adding value to the system, with capabilities that are possible because of interactions between subsystems. Integration has a hidden benefit, stemming from trying to make services interact: instead of having to redesign a piece of software from the beginning (which encapsulates particular business logic and so on), you are trying to expose its functionality as a service and let other applications access it via a communications method. This allows the re-usability of a software component, without having to re-implement it.

SCHAP Advantages

Real-Time Access, Data management, Flexibility.

SCHAP Benefits

The following are key benefits which educational institutions shall enjoy as a result of signing up on SCHAP.

  • Access to an expanding suite of solutions for administrative, academic and learner support services
  • Easy setup cost, with no infrastructure acquisition and maintenance costs.
  • Web payment processing capabilities are available to institutions on the platform. Interswitch, Mastercard, Visa and Etranzact shall be supported.
  • Ability to provide learning resources to students and staff anytime and anywhere.
  • Provides a high level progress report of learners
  • Improved perception of the institution by parents and the general public
  • Improved quality of communication between the institution and parents
  • Instant term end assessment computation and report generation
  • Provides a social community where teachers, parents and students interact